
to the space between the raindrops,
everything you need to know is hidden there~

~ listen to the music of the natural world,
so many notes, so many chords, so many rhythms ~


~the wind is a river flowing
through all the trees in your neighborhood~


~so few of us ever fully appreciate
what an extraordinary Gift it is just to be here~
~take time out each day,
and try to imagine living in a world
without the ones you love the most;
then let them know each day how you REALLY feel about them~

* * *

give a crow a stiff, cold, wet headwind . . .
and he will play with it-

* * *

that sound . . .
is it something the wind is doing to the trees?
Or are the trees doing it to the wind?
. . . or is it something else

* * *

~the drone of machines
suddenly stops and there is a breath . . .
a held breath
and in that moment I realize who I really am,
and that the rest is madness~

* * *

~stand alone among the trees beneath a light rain
and allow your surroundings to gently dismantle you~


All separation is an illusion.
Nothing exists independently of anything else.
Observer, observed and the "act of observing"-
a seamless and undifferentiated coexistence
whose spell is broken
the moment we impose our judgement upon it.


~I feel the HeartWave from the center of the galaxy coursing
through the tangled fragility of your limbs and into me.
As it spills out into the innocence
of my lime-green surroundings,
I realize that there isn't anything that isn't me~

* * *

~stillness is the bridge between worlds~

and like a thief I steal
moments of stillness
when no one is looking


~ Standing beside the apple tree,
I heard Her speak to me in a loving voice.
"You are Me", She said, "and you are THIS!"
This is your true identity as well as the source of all your power."
I feel Your form and Your spirit coexisting in this moment.
And I realize the Spirit Realm is accessed
through the natural world, and not in avoidance of it ~

* * *

build yourself a fire
and then just sit with it . . .
. . . perhaps in time it will speak to you-

* * *

~stillness overcomes you when you least expect it~


~the essence of Stillness is anything but still.
Far from its apparent tranquility,
it is a lushly animated field
of subtle waves and vibrations.
Stillness is a Feast
at whose table we choose to starve~

* * *

in each swollen drop of moisture an entire universe
can be seen clinging
to the underside of every rain-laden stem-
and as each lets go,
an entire world goes along with it . . .

* * *

trees don't lie-


there is no Time in this moment.
The trees are alive with birds
and that is enough-


~trees are my connection with the earth
the stars
the center of the galaxy
the Mother
the One~

* * *

Sit quietly and let go of all the rules.
Are your fingers aware of the space between them,
or is it the space that is aware of your fingers?

* * *

(reptilian-alien hybrids notwithstanding)
is the "finger pointing the Way" ~

* * *

like siddhartha's river the wind
rushes through rippling leaves on its way
to and from nowhere and everywhere

* * *

until you are able to hear the sound of moonlight
pouring onto the earth.
At this point you will know
you have become a good listener.

* * *

the fog reminds us that the space between things
is not really empty-


~the wind in the trees sounds like prayers,
and the rain descends upon the leaves
like a spell cast by a faery princess~

* * *

Strive therefore to connect with the Plant Kingdom
NOW, while you are still alive!
Do not postpone it until the day arrives
when your precious body liquifies
and becomes a "smoothie" for a thirsty cottonwood.

* * *

~beyond all notions of gods and goddesses,
there is a Voice that speaks lovingly to me
in the wind and the rain~

* * *

~red tailed hawks, mates no doubt
spiral 'round a crescent moon
against a bright blue sunlit sky~

* * *

Heaven is:
standing in a faery-ring
making wishes on the lightening strikes
amid the squawking of crows
and pattering of rain upon my umbrella . . .
~practice joyful participation in the Mystery~