Some things we can do

Our toxic way of life is finally dying,
and I suspect a few of us will be given the opportunity to begin again.
What do you say we do it right this time!

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We need to stop what we are doing.
We need to learn to get by with a lot less.
We need to reacquaint ourselves
with the rhythms and cycles of the natural world.
We need to begin to experience one another
and the world around us as manifestations of Spirit.
If we do not learn to do this,
and if we do not teach our children to do this,
we will be turned under in the mulching.
It’s really that simple

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Most of what you have been led to believe is the TRUTH,
is in all likelihood, a LIE -
your Government can't save you,
your Religion can't save you,
your Money can't save you,
only You can save you,
only you can wake up!
What are you waiting for?

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~The easiest thing you will ever do
is become the person you were "brought up" to be.
The most difficult thing you will ever do
is become the person you really are~