The Modern World: godsmasqueradingasfools

This modern world is a ride I climb aboard each morning
out of habit and necessity;
a dilapidated contraption in some tacky amusement park
which, despite the fresh coat of paint, has seen better days.
I pity the poor fool who's trapped high at the top
when the whole damn thing finally breaks down for good.

* * *

World leaders are essentially "dressed-up puppets;"
the part that snaps at the end of a long whip
most of us never get to see.
~they are, for the most part, fools and criminals,
and we are even bigger fools for believing them~

* * *

~when the truth becomes too fantastic to believe,
we choose instead to believe the lies~


~what a peculiar set of instructions we've all been handed;
the majority of which are lies
believed by the "majority" to be the truth~

I wonder how you will react when you finally discover
the extent to which you have been deceived.

* * *

~I believe we are all basically on the same page,
the problem is, several of us have their pages turned
"upside down"~


Found scribbled on the wall above a urinal:

"If all this is really nothing but a dream . . .
I think I just peed my bed!"

* * *


As I understand it,
Hope is no longer just for people with gambling addictions.
Hope is for everybody!

hmmmmmm . . . . .

Hope is america's newest "designer drug".

Hope is just another form of craving.
And like craving, it too must eventually be given up.

~ nothing disappoints like Hope ~

~Hope is an inflatable love-doll . . . with a slow leak~


People are desperate for "Change"--
providing it allows them to continue living
the way they always have.

* * *

There are moments when Life reminds me of
two amorous dogs who have gotten themselves "stuck together",
. . . sad . . . . . funny . . . . . and somehow strangely elegant
all at the same time-


~it's raining
and Tom is mowing his lawn
because it's Wednesday~


~there are few things in this world more obnoxious
than a retired postal worker
armed with a lawnmower and a leaf blower-

* * *

~and then there is "Facebook" . . .
whose insipid postings are the very "monkey chatter"
many of us spend hours in meditation
trying to rid our minds of~

* * *

The secret to surviving the "american suburban experience"
lies in owning an appliance that is capable of producing more noise
than your nearest neighbor's noisiest appliance.
and while we're on the subject . . .
don't you just love the neighbor's dog?


~let's all Rejoice! . . . America is now "shovel~ready"~


In the future,
nearly everyone will be called a "Hero"
for at least fifteen minutes-

* * *

Solar Celebration

We live in a "sun-crazed" society of
lawn-mowers, leaf-blowers, frisbee-throwers
and golfers in funny looking shoes.
I personally, am a big fan of the sun
and of the healing moisture it bestows each day
upon our drought stricken planet.


"remaining time has elapsed-
insert correct change for additional minutes"

* * *

We are a nation of "gasoholics" -- of sheep;
a living tribute to the petroleum industry!


flying their little airplanes around in circles
until they use up all their gasoline . . .
pushing their little lawnmowers around in circles
until they use up all their gasoline . . .
riding their little motorcycles around in circles
until they use up all their gasoline . . .
until they've used up all the gasoline . . .
all the gasoline . . .


how will you survive without all your pretty toys;
with only the night sky to entertain you
and the wind and rain to keep you company?
When the last machine falls silent,
how will you keep from going crazy?


"Modern Humans" are a disgrace to the natural world.
One day we will be remembered as the "rock and roll band"
that spent the night in a hotel room called Earth.


~people are the land.
destroy the land,
destroy the people~


Distorted Sense of Entitlement:

"But I am an American!" . . . you insist-
"I have a god-given right to: . . . (fill in the blank) . . .
. . . smoke whenever and wherever I please,
brandish as many firearms as I damn well please,
perceive the natural world as "a commodity"
to which I can assign any value I please!" . . .
~You realize of course,
that all of this foolishness cannot continue indefinitely~

~ ~

~The human world is filled with half-truths and lies,
but there is no deceit here beneath these branches.
If "full disclosure" is what you seek,
spend time with Trees;
for they are the true mystics of the modern world~

* * *

Opportunities to surrender oneself to Stillness
are becoming increasingly rare,
as our once quiet world becomes increasingly "humanoized".
Our world has become an over-burdened system;
one in which none of us is getting what we really need or deserve.


Layer upon layer of
"Artificially Animated Junk"
~even if given several thousand more years of
"evolutionary opportunity",
it would still never occur to any indigenous people to invent the
"internal combustion engine"~
And don't you just love it when truck drivers
insist on leaving their engines idling during that late night delivery;
as if gasoline had recently been declared "Free Energy"?
Not only does the incessant noise rouse you from a deep sleep,
but truckers are the always the first to complain about
rising costs at the pumps!


Say What? . . .
~we are continually subjected to toxic levels of noise pollution
which, ironically, few of us ever seem to even notice~

* * *

Of the trees and stars I never tire,
after ten minutes with the herd
I'm ready to expire.
I wish you all could see yourselves from my perspective;
a human blur perpetually spinning at breakneck speed,
hell-bent on accomplishing . . . what exactly?
you dream you are awake while you walk in your sleep,
controlled by a "chosen few" who lead you 'round like sheep
~Fear, Greed and Stupidity continue to fuel the engines of Cluelessness
that are driving us to extinction
while humanity's only real crime is that of sleepwalking~


If the military isn't "running the show"
why are billions being poured into senseless wars
in Iraq and Afghanistan,
while California comes apart at the seams?
The military is running the show alright,
and you're a fool to believe otherwise.
I suspect the real question is: "who's running the military"?


We have been successfully programed to believe
the conspiracy theorists are the ones who are crazy.


america is a "free country"
provided you don't get caught

* * *

"white man's magic"

Why waste perfectly good lead on a bunch of savages,
when they can be eliminated just as effectively
with a few "magic" blankets?

* * *

clockwise thinking is perceiving the world with outlines.
counter-clockwise thinking is perceiving the world without lines-


Requiring validation, much like sexual addiction, is:
"needing other people for all the wrong reasons."

* * *

Beneath the maple, I stood still as stone.
And in the drone of honey bees its tiny flowers
fell in showers of "lime-green snowflakes".
They spoke to me in one Voice
from where they had fallen:
"Time to stop;
time to take a long hard look at what you are doing,
to decide who and what
is really important."

~ why can't our lives be about mining
the infinite potential of Stillness? ~

a multitude of faces spin crazily around me;
beckoning me to join them on their "Wheel of Achievement".
Perhaps what I do best is nothing at all . . .
and so it is that I remain
still as stone in the howling wind
with only the birds, the dancing shadows
and the "lime-green snowflakes" to keep me company-

* * *

~our consensual reality is a kind of congealed madness;
and being a successful functionary of it
is not necessarily proof of one's sanity~

* * *

What good is a belief system
that provides an excuse to condemn someone?

~ perpetuating a lie
is always easier than questioning it ~

* * *

If males were taught to respect
all the aspects of their feminine nature,
there would be fewer crimes against women.
In fact, there would be fewer crimes PERIOD!

* * *

~meanness is really just "me-ness"~

* * *

Organized religion
is the way we keep ourselves from knowing
anything important about our gods.

* * *

Q: "What do you get when you combine equal parts
of ol' time religion with the internal combustion engine?"
A: "Just look around" . . .

* * *

The purpose of your life's journey
is to learn how to die consciously;
to awaken to the dream,
to learn to let go.
And all of the losses along the way
are merely rehearsals for that event.

-Time is a Magic Carpet that is being pulled out from under us-

* * *

We all have images of ourselves that we identify with;
the masks we wear out in the world
by which others identify us.
Wouldn't it be nice if we got to know ourselves and one another
as we really are?
Unfortunately, discarding one's self-image
is about as easy as discarding one's belief system.
This is because they are two sides of the same worthless coin.


Look into the eyes of any child
and imagine how different this world would be
were we to see one another as children
instead of "grown-ups".
~Lost innocence is nearly impossible to restore~

* * *

~The modern world is beginning to effect me in much the same way
as would a poorly written high-school play;
one that reads like a "handbook of deceptions and misconceptions".~

* * *

~humanity is undergoing a "crisis of Spirit";
and what you read in the headlines are merely the symptoms.
We need to realize that we are much more
than appearances would lead us to believe.
We must begin to experience ourselves as
unique multi-dimensional expressions
of one shared Consciousness~
~ we are all buddhas
there is no such thing as "becoming"
we are gods masquerading as fools ~


I have given up trying to "change the world"
or the opinions of the people in it.
All I can say is that one day, many of them are in for a shock.
Now whether this happens before or after they die I cannot say;
but they will be completely shocked by the truth of their existence.
This is because they have not taken the time to step back
and look at the madness that they are perpetuating.
They have not taken the time to "find their Center"
or to connect in some way with "Eternity".
As a result of this failure, we all suffer.

* * *

Take heart-
Despite the ripples that appear on the water . . .

"Father forgive them for they know not what they do." These, we are told, were the final words spoken by Jesus as he hung upon the cross. Had he been crucified today, I suspect his closing remarks might have carried with them a somewhat harsher tone:
"Humans are a disgrace! I have run out of compassion for these 'lab rats'. They will NEVER learn, for they are every bit as ignorant as were the gods who spawned them. They continue to blindly worship these gods, and in doing so destroy not only themselves but the world around them."


Exactly how is my consciousness creating this moment?
What is the precise nature of this relationship?
If I could experience beyond a shadow of a doubt
how my sleeping consciousness creates my nightly dreams
then I could dream any dream I desired.
If I could experience beyond a shadow of a doubt
how it is that my waking consciousness creates this dream I am living,
I would then have the ability to live any dream I desired.
So how exactly is my consciousness creating this moment?
Perhaps the way to the answer lies in simply asking the question.

*   *   *   

We have the choice to either perceive the Earth
as a planet inhabited by people who are sleepwalking,
or as a planet which is fast approaching a critical mass of individuals
who are waking up.
Therein lies all the difference.
While some experts suggest that the crop-circle formations
are a form of inter-dimensional communication
intended to aid humanity in its Awakening,
I interpret the pictographs 
as an expression or manifestation in the fields
of an evolutionary process already taking place in our collective psyche.

*    *    *

Do not look for your mind inside of your brain
or anywhere else in your body for that matter.
Your consciousness creates a non-local home for itself to reside in,
and this home is called the physical world.
The world you inhabit is not just 
reflection of what is going on in your mind,
it is an expression of your consciousness; the form that it assumes.
Your external world is your mind.
It is the Dream that you are dreaming.

*   *   *

A "good story" is the offspring of a union 
between consciousness and a fertile imagination.
Physicists often refer to this very union 
as "The Big Bang"-

*   *   *

When you are having a dream, it all feels so REAL.
You believe it is really happening.
And then you wake up and say to yourself,
"That was some dream, it felt so REAL."
It is the same with this Dream we are all having together,
it feels so real . . .
until we wake up!

~how She shines,
look how She shines
keeping the deep blue from going black~

Entwined on that night,
we locked and rocked in brittle leaves and pine needles.
We formed a knot, You and I,
with our bodies, our minds and our hearts.
Visceral Spirits writhing in molten embrace
in the cool crystalline light beneath the Beltain Moon.

* * *

~bring Me white roses, only white roses
white roses that grow like moonlight
in the gardens of your heart~
bring Me your heart
bring Me your Heart

* * *

On this night the snow
like frozen moonlight
makes ghosts of the trees
and a bridal veil
of a burial shroud.

* * *

~in the stars we witness Eternity's radiance
shining through the eyelets of the masks of Time~


~as I gaze up at the stars and stare into forever
I can think of no finer way to go,
than to be struck in the heart by a meteorite
upon whose fiery path my name is written~

* * *

~when the night wind descends like a cellist
and draws its frightful bow across howling limbs,
those with shallow roots are the first to fall,
first to fall
when the night winds wail ~

* * *

~some look upon Death and see only death
some look beyond Death and see only stars~

* * *

For Arianrhod

I long to feel You shudder from my worship,
to be deafened by Your cries
as You drench my face in Your pleasure;
to penetrate with my consciousness Your Sacred Womb
in order to be reborn in Your Light-

. . . just beneath the flesh we are male and female
. . . just beneath the flesh we are Light
. . . just beneath the flesh we are spirit and nature
. . . just beneath the flesh we are One-

* * *

Eye to eye we stood
in the bright sunlight and splashing sea.
Have You now somehow forgotten
those ancient words You spoke to me?
"You and I are One.
You and I are Eternal.
You see the world through My eyes and I through yours.
We are Spirit and Nature living together."


Celestial Lullaby

I looked on, as Venus disappeared
into the southwest abyss.
Like a child drifting off to sleep,
She bid the world goodnight.

* * *

A choir of naked moss-mottled giants
swollen with ancient secrets,
chants in the luminous mist of a moonlit grove.
While dappled shadow-beings
tumble from their glistening lichen cradles;
spider-drop eerily to the decaying carpet
and spin like dreidels
in the translucent alchemy of a mid-night mass.

* * *

Prima Materia

It's all Alchemy, though the notion of a sacred Oedipal union or reunion between mother and child in a ritual of Purification and rebirth into Luminosity is to some, reprehensible. And yet, it is the hinge-pin of mayan cosmology, and the primary significance of the galactic alignment of December 21st. 2012.

"Oh the Mother and Child reunion is only a "notion" away-

Look around you,
 it's all the same consciousness.
We borrow from it 
the way the moon borrows her light from the sun.
We are the Self looking back at Itself
from behind someone else's eyes.

*   *   *

 ~ Compassion is another way of saying:
"I recognize that you are me" ~

*   *   *

You are the Dreamer not the dreamed;
the Center of all circles.
You are
things as they are.
You are
everyone in your life.


~the illusion of separateness is an elaborate hoax
perpetrated by a SELF
 pretending to be "all-of-us"~


if you sincerely wish to "disappear",
begin by identifying with the world around you
rather than putting yourself at odds with it.
And then let go of that . . .

*   *   *

~All living things exist as expressions
of the curiosity that Consciousness has about Itself.
And Its continued curiosity and experimentation
is what we call Life.
When Consciousness is no longer curious,
we cease to exist~

*   *   *

We have the Vatican to thank 
for sowing the seeds of "Original Sin" in our collective psyche;
that bondage of inherited unworthiness
out of which we create lives of self-imposed drudgery.
We create, after all, what we believe we deserve-

~If more people were to follow their bliss, 
we would be living in a blissful world.
Unfortunately, far too many of us are following our misery-

*   *   *

The "2012 Meltdown Scenario"
is the ultimate "Fear-based Belief System".

We do not exist!
There is only this moment happening.
It is out of our confusion that we create
elaborate mythologies about our-selves and the world around us.

~Like the shadows of falling leaves
we dream we exist,
the result of this lie
is we sleep through our lives
and wake-up when we die~

*   *   *

~in order to exist fully,
you must first realize you do not actually exist at all~

*   *   *

~Alchemically speaking, there are those of us
who are content with being Lead~

*   *   *

~Synchronicity is a "not so subtle reminder"
that your Life is "doing you"
and not the other way around~