
Exactly how is my consciousness creating this moment?
What is the precise nature of this relationship?
If I could experience beyond a shadow of a doubt
how my sleeping consciousness creates my nightly dreams
then I could dream any dream I desired.
If I could experience beyond a shadow of a doubt
how it is that my waking consciousness creates this dream I am living,
I would then have the ability to live any dream I desired.
So how exactly is my consciousness creating this moment?
Perhaps the way to the answer lies in simply asking the question.

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We have the choice to either perceive the Earth
as a planet inhabited by people who are sleepwalking,
or as a planet which is fast approaching a critical mass of individuals
who are waking up.
Therein lies all the difference.
While some experts suggest that the crop-circle formations
are a form of inter-dimensional communication
intended to aid humanity in its Awakening,
I interpret the pictographs 
as an expression or manifestation in the fields
of an evolutionary process already taking place in our collective psyche.

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Do not look for your mind inside of your brain
or anywhere else in your body for that matter.
Your consciousness creates a non-local home for itself to reside in,
and this home is called the physical world.
The world you inhabit is not just 
reflection of what is going on in your mind,
it is an expression of your consciousness; the form that it assumes.
Your external world is your mind.
It is the Dream that you are dreaming.

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A "good story" is the offspring of a union 
between consciousness and a fertile imagination.
Physicists often refer to this very union 
as "The Big Bang"-

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When you are having a dream, it all feels so REAL.
You believe it is really happening.
And then you wake up and say to yourself,
"That was some dream, it felt so REAL."
It is the same with this Dream we are all having together,
it feels so real . . .
until we wake up!